John Gacy Research Paper Outline

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Topic: Serial Killers: Who John Gacy is, the theory of the fictional character the Joker, and how the concept of serial killers relate to psychology.

Goal Statement: By the end of our presentation the audience will know who John Gacy is, the theory behind the famous fictional character of the Joker, and the relationship between serial killers and psychology.


Attention Device: Approximately there are between 35 and 50 active serial killers in the United States at any given time. Two of the most common reasons serial killers commit murder are:
ENJOYMENT (48%) Anger and aggression

Body of the Speech:

Who is John Gacy and what is his history that lead him to kill?

In a book Called Mind of a Murderer, two agents Robert Ressler …show more content…

The Joker lacks the Ego and superego because he always goes by his instincts. This is why he always wants to be alone and he has trust issues. This was from the traumatic experiences he had at home.
He doesn’t trust anyone to look after him so he looks at himself following his own rules.
The Joker resents Batman because Batman represents order.
According to Know Tyself , “The cosmic irony is this: The Joker is, really, the sane one and Batman is the delusional one. Batman fights for Justice - for righteousness. And not only that, but he goes around in a giant bat suit to defend these socially constructed, arbitrary, subjective concepts that don't have any objective substance in reality.”
According to Nichols, "Society's morals, their code ... it's a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be. You'll see. I'll show you. When the chips are down, these civilized people ... they'll eat each other.” The joker; therefore, represents a realist in society. Although his realism generally has a negative view on society it still has validity because society is reactive and will do whatever it takes to save themselves.

How John Gacy and the Joker relate to …show more content…

This theory focuses on life concerns including the fears, angers, and frustrations associated with not full filling ongoing and central psychological needs. Both the Joker and John Gacy struggled with cultural world views and internalization.
According to Psychological Inquiry, “Strong evidence suggests that people who have become serial killers have typically suffered from sever over control, humiliation, neglect, or all of these from the individuals who should have cared for them at an early age”. According to the Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, “Two Psychologists Ressler & Shachtman said that Possible biological contributions include head injury involving brain damage, brain anomalies, and faulty genetics. Familial contributions include the physical absence or lack of personal involvement by one or both parents and alcohol or drug dependency by one or both parents.”( John Gacy was hit in the head as an eleven year old resulting in a brain injury which indicates a biological issue and both John and the Joker experienced abuse as a

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