John F. Kennedy served as the 35th president of the United States of America, until he was assassinated in November of 1963. During his term in presidency he was viewed as one of many influential leaders that have shaped America for the better. Following are three documents that use their individual style to focus on conveying the legacy of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. The documents are cited from John F. Kennedy’s own inaugural speech, to an article in which friends and family of John F. Kennedy share their memories of the inauguration, and lastly a photograph of John F Kennedy being administered the Oath of Office. Each of these documents use their own style but each document share their personal strengths and weakness on delivering John F. Kennedy’s
On October 22, 1962, President John F. Kennedy reached out to America and the Cubans with his Cuban Missile Crisis Address to the Nation. During this time, the Cold War had occupied several countries of world. This war resulted from tensions, military and political, between Russia and its allies and America, its allies, and the Western Hemisphere. When President Kennedy gave his speech, Russia had occupied Cuba and began building military bases that contained nuclear warheads and other deadly missiles. People of America saw this as a threat to the freedom of the U.S. and the Western Hemisphere. In a time of great tension and fear, President Kennedy delivered his spectacular and reassuring speech that appealed to the citizens of American in several ways.
John F. Kennedy was the President of the United States from 1961 to 1963. Shortly after taking over in office he gave an inspiring speech during a News Conference held on April 10, 1961, to discuss the inflation of steel prices and the impact it had on the American people.
Since the beginning of mankind, humans always use their skills of persuasion in order to prove a point to an audience. John F. Kennedy and William Shakespeare, though it is a 362 year difference, wrote and announced work displaying persuasion values. John F. Kennedy, in his Inauguration Speech, and Antony, a character in the William Shakespeare play Julius Caesar, uses the tools of language and persuasion in order to deliver the audience their intended reasoning. In both of the speeches, some of the tools that make these speeches effective is the tone, the rhetorical devices, and persuasive appeals.
Although both Mark Antony’s and Robert F. Kennedy’s speeches were successful largely due to the strength of their arguments, their careful choice and placement of their words and sentences is also an important factor in the delivery of their messages. The clever use of stylistic devices and techniques of both Antony and Kennedy’s speeches is a testimony to their much admired speaking styles. The use of repetition, caesuras, and personal references augment their speeches so that it is concise, purposeful, memorable and emotionally engaging. The influential nature of both Mark Antony and Robert F. Kennedy is in part due to their high level of skill in speech-making, a rewarding skill to have in any language, and an important asset required for any leader.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy was the 35th president of the United States. He graduated from Harvard, and joined the navy. He worked as a reporter before entering the political arena. He later wrote “profiles in courage” which won the Pulitzer Prize Award. Being that JFK was the youngest president to ever be in office there is no doubt that he encountered a lot of skepticism. This speech had many purposes but most importantly it gave him positive recognition. The inaugural address was written to encourage the American public to get actively involved with their country. It also reassured them that it was not a contest that he won but rather chance at a beginning. This speech reassured the voters that they made the right choice and informed a country that they were going to see some changes.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy delivered one of the most important American speeches after being sworn in as president on January 20, 1961. His inauguration speech was so influential that it seized the nation’s attention, and quotes from it are still clearly remembered by people today. It is considered one of the best speeches ever written and ever delivered. It presents a strong appeal to pathos, ethos, and logos and accomplishes what any speaker strives for – it speaks straight to the heart of the audience and inspires people.
President John F. Kennedy gave his inaugural address to the American public on January 20, 1961. President Kennedy’s inaugural speech is designed to deliver a message of hope and perseverance against foreign threats, specifically the communist Soviet Union, against whom the United States was involved in the Cold War. In his speech, President Kennedy takes the global stage, capitalizing on the emergence of mass media and the ability to reach people on a worldwide scale to deliver a message meant to be heard both home and abroad. Kennedy’s inaugural address uses several different rhetorical devices—i.e., repetition, contrast/antithesis, and metaphorical imagery designed to produce pathos in the audience—to
As emblematic representatives of their country, U.S. Presidents exercise their beliefs and concepts regularly through the use of eloquence. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was elected president of the United States in 1960. Kennedy became president during times of great danger and fear for the nation of America, and others around the globe. With Communism being further more popular, and large weapon’s being frequently produced all around the world, the people of America needed a new premier commander. As the youngest elected official to ever govern the White House, Kennedy wanted to show his genuineness as a ruler, and verify that his presidency would lead to great hope and future. The president’s inaugural address allows the president to lay out his
With the tone of inspiration, hortatory, and powerful, an inaugural speech by President Kennedy clearly defines the ceremonial purpose based on the first aspect of social cohesion in freedom and liberty. At the very beginning, by using a youthful diction, President Kennedy shows his great achievement in winning the presidential election. Even at his young age, Kennedy still performs at the same level as the past presidents. He proves to his audience by saying that, “For I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three-quarters ago” (“President Kennedy”). Hard work, loyalty, labor, and meticulousness will definitely bring many positive effects to the country.
In many ways John F. Kennedy’s decision to have this speech as well as the contents itself, reflected how he was instrumental to success in keeping the public calm. The president could hav...
John F. Kennedy’s speech was revered then and it is revered now. He talks on peace and freedom will never be forgotten. JFK arrived when America was going through a rough patch and delivered a speech for the ages. His line “…My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country” still applies even today. Even though John F. Kennedy’s live was tragically cut short in 1963, his speech on freedom and peace will always be remembered and it carries on with JFK’s legacy.
John F Kennedy delivered one of the best speeches on January 20, 1961.His inauguration speech was very powerful and it gathered the attention of every single person in the nation. It uses a strong appeal to pathos, ethos and logos. Kennedy was the youngest president to be in office. He got his degree from Harvard and later on joined the navy. He wrote “ profiles in courage” which has received one of the most recognized awards, the Pulitzer Prize. This speech had a lot of positive sides to it, but one of the most important things was that it gave him a good look from the outside. The inaugural address was written to let the citizens of America know that they could change this country for the better. It assured all voters
He insisted that the American people should go beyond their differences and to think of “today not a victory of party but a celebration of freedom” (3). Kennedy urged the people to celebrate the history of their nation and embrace the future as a united people as he declared that “we are the heirs of that first revolution” (10). A nation and people that were “tempered by war” and “disciplined by a hard and bitter peace” both recognize the importance of American history and
In his prominent 1961 Inaugural Address, John F. Kennedy extensively employs pathos, parallelism, antithesis, and varied syntax to captivate millions of people, particularly to persuade them to stand together and attempt to further human rights for the “betterment” of the world. Kennedy’s effective use of various rhetorical styles succeeds in persuading his audience –the world and the U.S. citizens—that his newly-seized position as the U.S. President will be worthwhile for all. Evident throughout his entire address, Kennedy employs a cogent pathos appeal to keep his audience intrigued. This can be demonstrated when Kennedy initially proclaims: “Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans.” who he urges to be “unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of.human rights to which this nation has always been committed.”
...n F. Kennedy.” . 1 March 2012. John Simkin’s article includes information pertaining to John F. Kennedy’s military career, political views and background, presidency, and assassination. Simkin writes about Kennedy’s political career and how it began with his grandfathers and father. He goes on to say how Kennedy acquired an interest in foreign policy after suffering a back injury during the Second World War in 1943. Simkin includes the book, Profiles in Courage, Kennedy wrote while in the hospital recovering from back surgery. He thoroughly explicates Kennedy’s presidency and all excursions involved. Simkin concludes by discussing every aspect of the assassination of the president. This article is very credible because the author has three degrees in the field of study and has been teaching history since 1978.