Jim Hawkins Maturity

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When you grow older you tend to get more mature. You tend to get more mature by going through challenges/risky actions in your life. An example of this is the main character in Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson, Jim Hawkins. Jim goes through many challenges/ risky actions throughout his life. From each challenge he grows more mature. A challenge that really changed Jim was when him and his crew were taking over the ship that was launched by Long John Silver. He had to hide in a barrel until it was over. From then on Jim had started to learn how to be mature about serious situations. Throughout the novel Jim Hawkins changes from being an onlooker, to an active participant who determines his fate by very risky actions. In the beginning of the novel Jim Hawkins is frightened little boy but as the novel goes on Jim grows more mature. “Hawkins experiences a rite …show more content…

He has gone through many adventures and hard times which have changed him. A quote that shows Jim going through adventures and hard times is “ semi-orphaned hero makes a long journey to an unknown land, uncovers treachery his elders have overlooked, gains allies, learns skills, is tested, and wins both respect and praise for his bravery and sense of honour; and there is the boy's fantasy fulfilment of saving the lives of adult authority figures, first his mother and then his shipmates.” (Sorfleet) This example explains how Jim used to be immature and scared for the things he used to do, but now he is grown up and more mature about how he handles his situations. Another example is “ Jim's quest is a metaphor for his journey from youth to manhood, from ignorant innocence to learned (and earned) experience, a journey that is symbolically compressed into the actual voyage, the island, and the tests he encounters there” (this is clearly stating that Jim went from being a young boy who had no experience with anything to being highly talented and well

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