Jeffrey Dahmer: Six Characteristics Of A Serial Killer

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Out of the six characteristics of a serial offender, enuresis, animal torture, fire setting, pathological lying, chronic daydreaming, and violent fantasies, Dahmer exhibited at least two. Those two were animal torture and violent fantasies. Youngstrom states, “Professionals agree that animal torture is a childhood activity that strongly correlates with psychopathic sadistic offending” (1991, pg. 32). Dahmer became extremely interested in dead animals at an early age. His curiosity was primarily based around the insides of the animals. Before burying or disposing of the dead animals Dahmer would dissect and skin them (Davis, 1998, pg. 30). Neighbors would later recall that Dahmer began experimenting on insects, keeping their preserved bodies …show more content…

His father had moved out of the family home and into a hotel upon their separation. Dahmer's father was unaware that his ex-wife had moved out also, taking their younger son David with her to Wisconsin. She left Jeffrey to live there alone. Upon gaining this knowledge Jeffrey's father moved back into the house with him. However, before this time and shortly after high school graduation Jeffrey, having been isolated and left alone, had the time to fantasize how he would go about killing his first victim. Dahmer’s father tried to help him by signing him up for college, convincing him to join the Army, but he dropped out of school and was discharged early from the Army due to his alcohol problem and behavior. He went directly to Miami Beach after being discharged without telling anyone. While there his drinking was extreme, until he had no money, nowhere to stay, and had been sleeping on the beach for the majority of the time he had been in Miami. He called his father for money; however, his father told him he would not send him money though he would send him a bus ticket to come …show more content…

Showing a possibility of Dahmer’s mental illness having a biological connection. Dahmer's mother had taken a medication during pregnancy with Jeffrey that has been mentioned as a possible contributing factor. He witnessed extreme tension between his parents in his home environment this also could have played a part. Creation science is what made Dahmer realize that the theory of evolution, which he had been a believer of, was a complete lie. Whereby, believing and accepting Jesus as his Savior made him take accountability for what he did. Both Jeffrey and his father argue that the break in practicing faith contributed to Jeffrey's killing spree. When they moved from Milwaukee to Ohio he showed signs of being an introvert. His father states how he tried to help him fit in with peers through joining different

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