Jeffrey Dahmer Research Paper

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The Milwaukee Cannibal When one hears the term serial killer, it’s likely the name Jeffrey Dahmer will come to mind. Dahmer can be argued to be one of the most notorious serial killers to have ever lived. During Dahmer’s childhood, there were many signs that hinted he had the potential to commit such heinous crimes. While Jeffrey Dahmer was in his teenage years, a group of boys found the head of a dog impaled on a stick behind the Dahmer home. According to forensic psychiatrists, “such a fascinations with death and cruelty to animals is an almost predictable sign in the lives of people accused of being serial killers” (Goleman). There has been several serial killers who have been accused of animal abuse, similar to Jeffrey Dahmer, because they have complete control over the animals. Many other neighbors stated they found frogs and other small animals staked to trees, as well as Jeffrey had a shed full of the skeletons of the animals he mutilated. However, the people who knew what went on in the Dahmer household did not report the animal cruelty they witnessed until Dahmer was arrested for the murders of his victims; there is the possibility they could have put a stop to Dahmer’s inhumane actions before they even …show more content…

After killing his first victim by strangling him with a barbell, he continued to dismember the body and packed the parts into plastic bags. Dahmer’s technique of his first killing is not what makes him the famous, twisted serial killer many know him like today, but what he did after his first killing. During his emerging adulthood, he became an alcoholic and had been arrested several times in Milwaukee and Ohio where his father was living. “Dahmer's alcohol consumption [eventually] spun out of control” and he “dropped out of Ohio State University after one quarter term,” beginning his 13 year killing spree (Biography

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