Jealousy And Othello's Transformation

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Unfortunately, jealousy is about to transform Othello into a beast. The transition first starts with Iago being very influential of Othello because he thinks he is a true friend. Where in fact, Iago has an evil plan that Othello does not know about. Part of that plan involves ruining Othello’s and Desdemona's relationship. As mentioned previously, Othello did not seem to believe Iago’s theory of his wife having an affair with Cassio. However, Othello starts to slowly get convinced of what Iago is falsely accusing Desdemona about because Iago dubiously grabs objects that are important to their relationship to use as evidence. For instance, Desdemona drops her handkerchief in her room and Iago gets his hands on it to leave it in Cassio’s room.

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