Cultural Beliefs And Values Of Japan

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Culture is a very broad concept, including the beliefs, values, and lifestyles of people. It is an integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior. It is also the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group.

All cultural interactions become market-oriented. Once a culture lacks market value, it will be excluded. Therefore, local traditional cultures are often neglected. The central argument of cultural imperialism refers to the idea that certain dominant cultures threaten to overwhelm other more vulnerable ones. Cultural imperialism triggers other discussions on cultural expansion and invasion. It is also argued that cultural imperialism leads to the diffusion of Western values through the cultural products produced by transnational corporations, replacing other cultures.

Tradition consists of habit, which is part of the culture. As time goes by, members of society have developed a set of traditions. Those traditions are accepted by society. As people may inherit those habits from their ancestors, those habits may become traditional customs.

Cultures are affected by the interests of dominant groups in societies, which seek to explain and validate their positions in particular structures. One of the ways in which groups do this is through the construction of traditions and their promulgation through the population.

How are culture affected by the interests of Japan through their promulgation through the population?

The cultural output of Japan, including sushi, instant food (cup noodles, Nissin), electronic products (Panasonic), computer (Fujitsu), car (Toyota), is not weaker than the US.

Japanese animation rises in just a few decades. Under the strong support of ...

... middle of paper ... nature. Popular culture can be defined as the mass production of products based on the taste of the majority; it changes all the time, entertaining and commercial in nature. The mass media is owned and controlled by multinational corporations, affecting the economy, politics and people’s mindset. They aim to persuade people all over the world to accept the product. The pre-condition is that people from different countries accept the same culture (e.g. KFC, McDonald’s, Nike, Levis).

The history of the expansion has a variety of means but the most effective one is cultural output. Cultures are affected by the interests of dominant groups in societies, which seek to explain and validate their positions in particular structures. One of the ways in which groups do this is through the construction of traditions and their promulgation through the population.

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