Janet Jackson Research Paper

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This is a different Janet Jackson that you've ever seen...... Last time, we see the legendary pop star as one of the best out there. Janet Jackson is simply one of the best female pop singers in the 90's, and forever to be remembered by her amazing songs such as Let's Wait Awhile, Together Again, Go Deep, Come Back To Me and a whole lot more. Her last album was Unbreakable, which was last year. For sure, you will always remember what she has in store for us through the years of her career. As of now, she decides to quit showbiz and becoming an Islam. Whoa, whoa, wait a second! Is Janet Jackson now a Muslim? It was recently reported that Janet Jackson appeared for the first time in public wearing a full Islam with her boyfriend. It seems that she finally converted herself into a Muslim. This is her decision when she finally decided to quit showbiz and her music career. This is to give room for her to spend more time with her Islam spouse Wissam Al Mana. By the way, Wissam Al Mana is a billionaire from Qatar, and she seems to be attracted to him. Of course, women are attracted to men who are billionaires like him. Even Mariah Carey divorced from Nick Cannon to marry a billionaire. She married Wissam Al Mana last 2012, and it was pretty damn awesome. Another …show more content…

The commitment that she have with Wissam is something extraordinary. There's no one who could stop her from doing this as she was known to be a popular pop singer. However, we may expect that she's going to sing Islamic-related songs in the future for her conversion to this religion. Is it possible that she's going to release a brand new album in relation to Islam and Muslim? Or is she already retired from singing and showbiz totally? It's all about believing in herself to become who she is right now, and people have to respect whatever decision she had. This is the next stage of her life

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