Janet Bigg Documentary

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The Janet Biggs: Echo of the Unknown exhibition tells the story of her family members that struggled with Alzheimer’s. The exhibition contains four videos that play consequently. One of the videos called Can’t Find My Way Home, talks about Biggs grandfather who was a mineral collector, the video shows neurological research being done while showing footage of mining oc-curring. Through this video Janet is trying to show that there is a certain connection between memory and how the brain interprets discovery. Another video called the Persistence of Hope, Biggs is trying to tell the story of her uncle, who would gather and preserve dead hummingbirds. While this video is going on, there is some footage of the Arctic. The video, called …show more content…

The Day of the Dead Museum showed many scenes that depicted homes decorated as they would be on the day of the dead. In one scene they showed how a typical mexican home looks like on the day of the dead, it showed the way the families would be dressed, how their houses would be decorated and the types of food and drink that they would have on that day. The exhibiton shows how the families used to honor their loved ones by putting up their personal items and pictures. The 19th century mourning customs showed how the Americans handled grief in that time period. This exhibit showed things like the hair of a departed family member would be taken to professional weavers that made them into intricate jewelry patterns and put them on display, it also showed how a family’s clothes would like for someone that died for example, a widow would always have a white collar to signify her from the other people and a wooden clock was used in the tra-dition of a family that was mourning in the Victorian era, the headstone contained the names of the deceased family members and the family would remember their deceased whenever they looked at the

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