Jane Eyre Chapter 27 Analysis

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Chapter 27- Jane leaves her room to see Mr. Rochester waiting for her outside. Mr. Rochester takes Jane to the library as he tells her how bad he feels about hurting Jane. Mr. Rochester says that they can live together in a place he owns near the Mediterranean Sea, but Jane refuses the offer as she does not want to live as his mistress. Mr. Rochester talks how he got married to Bertha as his family didn’t tell him that Bertha’s mom was not dead and in a jail for crazy people. Rochester says that he was rash to get married as he inherited Thornfield after his brother had died and Bertha was slowly becoming crazier by the day. Mr. Rochester says that he traveled around looking for true love, but then found it Jane. Jane leaves the room after kissing Rochester on the cheek and she wakes in the middle of the night to a dream telling her to leave
John interrupts Jane when she is reading one day telling the story of her past as he thinks that Jane had been lying to them about her name. Jane tells him that she is Jane Eyre and finds that Mr. Briggs has written a letter for her stating that she has inherited a lot of money from her dead uncle. They both realize that they are cousins and Jane tells them that they will split the inheritance between them.
Chapter 34- Jane spends time with her new cousins during Christmas as they continue to become closer. Jane learns that Rosamund Oliver has become engaged and St. John continues to try to become a missionary as he wants to go India to do this. He asks Jane to marry him and accompany him when he leaves to India. Jane doesn’t want to marry him and she declines his offer as nice as she can.
Chapter 35- Jane continues to decline St. John’s offer to get married to her. Jane is informed by Diana that she shouldn’t marry St. John and Jane hears St. John’s prayers for her one day at the dinner table as she feels that she has to get married to him, but she hears Mr. Rochester in the distance and the feeling is

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