Jane Elliott's Blue Eyes Brown Eyes Summary

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Have you ever wondered how white people in the 1960’s would have felt if they were being judged due to their differences? In the video “Jane Elliott’s Blue Eyes Brown Eyes”, a 3rd grade teacher discovered a new way to teach the ways of discrimination and racism towards her students. Jane Elliot, the teacher, noticed that the Caucasian people were very ill-mannered towards people of different skin tones. This sparked an idea in her mind that would change kids’ lives forever. This idea consisted of all the students she possessed splitting into two groups, brown eyed kids and blue eyed kids. On the first day, the blue eyed kids were told how much better they were than those with brown eyes. Elliott pointed out specific children with brown eyes, who did not do certain things properly, convincing them that they had something wrong with their brains. …show more content…

These depreciated children had their test scores dropped in a matter of hours due to the fact that they believed they were actually the lesser of the two groups. While this group’s score and happiness plummeted, the group of blue-eyed children ascended in both test scores and happiness. They felt as if they were dominant as well as much smarter than they previously felt as a direct result of the teacher’s word. Since they were the dominant of the two groups, they decided to antagonize the other group of kids, calling them names that would put them down. One child with blue eyes claimed that he called another child with brown eyes a name in order to dehumanize him. This action caused a fight between the two former friends to break loose. This depicts the reaction of the brown-eyed children in the situation they were put in by Jane

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