James Bond Shows Apathetic Feelings Towards Women In Casino Royale

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In the striking novel “Casino Royale”, written by Ian Fleming, the protagonist James Bond vividly exhibits apathetic feelings towards women throughout the narration. Contemplating his understanding of women, Bond concludes that women aren't logical or strong and they should "mind their pots and pans and stick to their frocks and gossip” (Fleming, 97). The most notable instances of these feelings being exhibited involves Miss Moneypenny, a gatekeeper for the Head of the Secret Service, & Vesper Lynd, Bond’s partner. Explicitly implying that a woman is only praiseworthy due to her beauty not her dexterity, the narrator notes that Miss Moneypenny "would have been desirable but for eyes which were cool and direct and quizzical" (Fleming, 17),

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