Jackson-Weiss Syndrome Analysis

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Jackson-Weiss Syndrome is a rare genetic disorder characterized by distinctive malformations of the head and facial area and abnormalities of the feet. The syndrome is very rare for people to get because it happens through genetics which has mutations in the FGFR2 gene that causes the syndrome. Jackson-Weiss Syndrome is a very interesting diagnosis that is inherited, has different features, and surgical procedures. The range and severity of symptoms and findings may be extremely variable, including among affected members of the same family. However, primary findings may include premature closure of the fibrous joints between certain bones of the skull, unusually flat, underdeveloped midfacial regions abnormally broad great toes, and/or malformation or fusion of certain bones within the feet. In some cases, Jackson-Weiss Syndrome may result from new genetic changes that appear to occur randomly for unknown reasons. In other affected individuals, the disorder may be inherited. Mutations in the FGFR2 gene cause Jackson–Weiss syndrome. The FGFR2 gene produces a protein called …show more content…

The head is unable to grow normally, which can lead to a misshapen skull, widely spaced eyes, and a bulging forehead. At birth, the bones of the skull are not joined together; they close up as the child grows. In Jackson-Weiss syndrome, the skull bones join together too early. This is called "craniosynostosis." Foot abnormalities are the most consistent characteristic, as not all individuals with Jackson-Weiss syndrome have abnormal skull or facial features. The big toes are enlarged and bend away from the other toes. They have very different ways off forming in the feet including the big toes are short and wide, the big toes also bend away from other toes, and the bones of some toes may be fused together which they call “syndactyly” or abnormally

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