Achondroplasia Essay

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Achondroplasia is a genetic disorder in which there is a growth hormone deficiency, or there is a genetic mutation in either the father’s sperm or mother’s egg. (mayo clinic, March 20,2014.) Achondroplasia was the first discovered in ancient Egyptian records. People with achondroplasia were considered people with supernatural powers. Many people call dwarfs midgets but to them, it is very disrespectful because midget literally means little person. Some acceptable names that you can use that will not offend them would be little people, LP, person with short stature, or dwarf. Even though dwarfs feel as if they do not have disabilities, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) will protect the rights of dwarfs. (who discovered it? March 28, 2014.) Pierre Maroteaux was the first person to mention dwarfism. He is largely credited for the discovery. He discovered the link between the genetic condition and prenatal micromelic in patients. The discovery was known as Lamy-Maroteaux Syndrome which is a very important topic when you are talking about dwarfism. In 1994, Pierre and his team discovered the reasoning behind dwarfism. (who discovered it? March 28, 2014.) The prognosis for achondroplasia has a normal life expectancy. There are just some health issues that come with this genetic disorder like a large head, crowded teeth, bowed legs, shortened trunk, and weak hands. They are still able to do everyday things, they just have to have to be able to conform to the everyday life. Some people think that dwarfs are not as intelligent as a normal sized person but they are. Some dwarfs even go into medical school and become doctors just like an average person would. (right diagnosis March 28, 2014.) Achondroplasia is the most common i... ... middle of paper ... ...g with the little couple, when they were younger they both had medical issues. (TLC, Little Couple: TLC, April 10, 2014.) Dwarfism can be a little issue or can be a big problem. Sometimes people only have a few health issues, such as crowded teeth, that can be fixed. But there are also some cases where it can even be fatal. Many people have the common form of achondroplasia. Even though achondroplasias are short, some companies make special appliances that are small enough for a dwarf to be able to use. Many dwarfs are also able to get pregnant but they should be very careful since they are so short. They can have many health problems so they should go to the doctor frequently just to make sure everything is going okay. Dwarfs have a normal life span expectancy and they are just as able as anyone else that is at normal height. (Webmd, April 8, 2005, March 28, 2014.)

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