JFK Assassination Report

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As the three brothers were walking into the bus station they saw that it was full of people waiting to catch a ride. Eighteen-year-old Andrew, being the oldest, had the inflatable rubber raft on his back, while Ivan and Oscar, the sixteen-year-old twins, each had a backpack. Ivan’s backpack held their food and some beverages, while Oscar was carrying accessory equipment. Those accessories include items like the first aid kit, flashlight, patching kit for the raft, sunblock, waterproof matches, and the list went on. Everything that they needed for a day of rafting on the McKenzie River in Oregon. “We need to find the bus that goes to up the McKenzie, to Blue River,” Andrew said. “I believe it is on the east end of the terminal,” Oscar said. …show more content…

He had produced some report that revealed a higher level of sodium, along with other chemicals, in the bodies of The Unseen. His claim was that the military secretly had been conducting experiments, injecting test subjects with test drugs. Historically the military had been involved in using humans for a variety of tests. The guest on the show had been unintentionally funny to listen to, as he had gone on. There was the part where he said that the assassination of JFK was somehow connected to The Unseen, and that this drug that now was being tested came from information gathered in Area 51, off of an alien. The guest was so bizarre that Oscar easily had dismissed everything he said, including that The Unseen even existed. Now he could see on for himself. However, that did not make what that guy had said completely correct. Oscar understood how flaws in logic frequently took place, and he would remain skeptical until enough information was had to prove anything. For now, he would hang on to what he had just saw. Then, an elderly man on the bench next to the brothers said, “OPEC is the cause of all …show more content…

He did not want to believe that The Unseen actually were real, but now he was looking at one. He had heard of cheap gas, and massive fuel consumption back before he was born. It almost sounded as if some conspiracy group had made up the story, in order to blame OPEC for the energy shortage the world was experiencing. Something in how the elderly couple was talking felt as if they were not as delusional as Oscar had been led to believe. Nevertheless, he did not base his beliefs on

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