Dreaming And What Does It All Mean? By Thomas Nagel

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We spend every day doing our daily duties, yet we don’t stop to think about what influences the way we think, act, or live our life. I want to introduce the idea that your mind could control you if you let it, but does it control your actual reality? Is reality, real? Or did my mind make up everything that surrounds me. I once heard that your eye is an upside down optical illusion that flips an image, so that you see it correctly and fills up any empty spots to make up for what is missing in an image. I often question if my mind sees what is really there, or are we upside down? Are there missing pieces in my reality? Additionally, this leads me to question what is the real significance of free will and do I have free will? I make choices every …show more content…

by Thomas Nagel. What is a dream? “ A dream is something you are aware of at some level. It may be fragmentary, disconnected, and illogical, but if you aren’t aware of it during sleep, then it isn’t a dream.” What Is Dreaming and What Does It Tell Us About Memory? By Penelope A. Lewis. I could almost agree with Nagel on this, because I often find myself asking the same question. However, if this was all just a big dream, how is it that we can connect with each other? My mom has always told me “don’t eat before going to bed, you are going to have nightmares!” I wish I had listened to her. What I mean by stating this is that in a dream you have no control whether you will have a nightmare or a regular dream, you cannot control your actions, attitude or how the dream will end. In reality you have control of your actions and on the direction you want to take your life. There is no grasp on a dream, no control, nothing you can do to make a nightmare matter. So, what reality am I in that I can have control of my actions? This is …show more content…

It went something like what we thought was a snake was a shadow on the grass. This intrigued me, because I feel as if it killed my argument about the external world being real. Our mind makes up things if you let it. Like how if you stare long and hard enough at a wooden door, you can start to see shapes and faces or when you go to sleep and you see a shadow and get scared, but it was just a hanger with a shirt. Perception is a very tricky thing. You see a man pointing a gun you initially think he is the bad guy, but what you didn’t know is that thirty minutes ago the man who has a gun to his head attacked a woman. Your mind makes up things, but by our perception seeing things that are inconclusive it should not be the reason for us saying that there is not an external

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