Item A Feminist Analysis

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Item A identifies feminist sociologists as supporting the idea that the main function of laws and policies on families and households is to reproduce patriarchy, even if this is sometimes unintentional. Feminist sociologists believe this because they see policies as a self-fulfilling prophecy that reproduces patriarchal values and because they believe that social policies can reinforce traditional gender roles, which again promotes the patriarchy. Item A identifies the New Right as contesting this view, as they contend that policies on families and households are part of what has led to the decline of the traditional nuclear family in part by offering so-called ‘perverse incentives’. The New Right believes that these incentives have created …show more content…

For example, Brenda Almond (2006) argues that there are social policies which undermine the nuclear family, such as those that make divorce easier as this challenges the concept that marriage is a lifelong commitment and has led to a rise in the number of reconstituted and lone parent families. The New Right also argues that a number of policies that increase the rights of cohabiting couples who are unmarried, such as equal adoption rights, suggests that the state does not view marriage as being superior to cohabitation, and in turn does not see the traditional patriarchal family as being superior to other family types. The New Right also argues that social policy has created a dependency culture and that welfare policy incentivises family types that they see as being dysfunctional, such as lone parent families. Charles Murray (1984-90) argued that benefits were too generous and rewarded irresponsible behaviour. For example, he argues that some fathers abandon their families because they know that they will be supported by benefits, but if the benefits were not available they would have stayed to support their family. The New Right argue that policies like this are causing a dependency culture, where people are not self-reliant but depend on the state to …show more content…

Other criticisms include the point that the New Right assumes that that the patriarchal nuclear family is natural rather than socially constructed, as all family types are, and ignores the fact that there have been matriarchal societies and families dating back thousands of

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