Issues to Action: Poverty

642 Words2 Pages

Studies indicate that costs of living in San Mateo exceed those of living in other cities, with an average scale of 150 in comparison to the national mean of 100, a 50% difference. This is only one of the many troubles contributing to an increasing poverty rate. An additional cause that correlates with the high cost of living is the minimum wage of many residents. Poverty is becoming an increasing threat to communities. The common impacts include a higher crime rate and youth hopelessness. As with any situation, there is light at the end of the tunnel, and luckily, poverty has been approaching the "light" with solutions such as non-profit organizations, and a heightened citizenship awareness.

Indigence in San Mateo County is attributable to an excessive housing value and a limiting minimum wage. As stated by Supervisor Dave Pines, “In this county of great wealth, many struggle due to the extremely high cost of living" (San Mateo County Newsroom). This struggle has led to economic difficulties in families, and has forced some inhabitants to move elsewhere. Minimal family earnings is an additional producer of monetary deficiency. According to the City/County Association of Governments, "About 28% of the households in San Mateo County have annual incomes under $50,000. Twelve percent of San Mateo County households have annual incomes under $25,000" (CCAG). This confirms that, combined with its higher cost of living, low annual salaries contribute to destitution in this community. Although San Mateo has been known for a low poverty rate with only 6.5 percent of its tenants living under the poverty threshold, this is primarily owed to the fact that only people who can afford living in such an overpriced setting can form a comfortab...

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...ves others in the sense that citizens of the community will become more informed about ways to help others, starting a chain reaction that can eventually lead to the minimization of poverty.

In conclusion, poverty is caused by high cost of living and minimum wage. It presents a threat to residents of the San Mateo community since it is the source of crime, and is contributing to youth hopelessness. This issue should be rectified immediately since it causes the individual affected to lose hope in his or her future and give in to bad influences, harming others in the process. Ways to approach the matter at hand include citizenship awareness and non-profit organizations meant to help low-income families. The causes of poverty are what San Mateo County is currently confronting, and if not prevented, may lead to dire circumstances for large numbers of this district.

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