Islam Religion

555 Words2 Pages

1. The relationship they have is of true faith with pure honesty, true love and respect
1.2 No, Muslims do not worship Mohammed, they believe that only God is to be worshipped, not human beings nor anything else.
1.3 Muslims view Jesus as just another prophet, and not one who is the leader, as seen in Christianity. He’s seen as a prophet but not the last prophet.
2. The Muslim view contrasts with the Christian view of God in many ways. Christians call Him “God” and Muslims call Him “Allah”. God of the bible is caring, loving and can be very personal in many different ways whereas Allah on the other hand is wrathful in ways and non-personal. Christianity believes in one true God, while Islam rejects this concept. Christianity consists of the trinity, showing himself into three Persons, whereas Islam beliefs are that there is only one true God. Islam’s don’t accept the role of Jesus as the son of God. Christians believe that only God is good and therefore only God is able to save a person, and Jesus came down from Heaven to save mankind and so this is Gods role in salvation whereas I...

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