Is The Casual Loop In Robert Heinlein's-All You Zombies

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The purpose of this paper is to provide an explanation and analysis of the causal loop in Robert Heinlein’s “-All You Zombies-“. The loop and supporting storyline will be examined in terms of the framework that D.H. Mellor laid out in his piece “Real Time”; I will first describe the timeline of the main character and how it might be considered valid, then apply this timeline to a proof showing that it in fact isn’t valid and causal loops are impossible. Finally, I will critically evaluate the proof for any irregularities. I hold that the timeline of “-All You Zombies-“ is valid, and thus causal loops is possible; this is what I will approach later in the paper. For the sake of brevity and avoiding confusion: I will refer to the main character (The Unmarried Mother) as “TUM” and with female pronouns, the occurrence of TUM stealing the baby and giving it to the orphanage as “Event X”, and the period of time where TUM grew up in the orphanage as “Event Y”. …show more content…

We will consider Event X and Event Y in the examination of the story, but the concepts apply to all parts of the causal loop in TUM’s timeline. To prove that this timeline is impossible, it must first be assumed that it is possible. That series of assumptions could follow this train of

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