Is Technology Messing With Your Brain?

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Technology goes with teens like peanut butter goes with jelly. Teens use a lot of technology, and people have different ideas on how much is appropriate for teens. Some people think that teens use too much technology but others think that it is ok for teens to use the amount that they do. This was found out by reading the article Is Technology Messing With Your Brain? by scholastic scope. The truth is technology is bad for teenagers and they use way too much of it.
Technology is not good for teens for many reasons. First of all technology distracts teens. When a teenager is doing homework it is hard for them to resist listening to music or taking a break to text some friends. Homework that would usually take ten minutes can end up taking half …show more content…

For example some people might say that technology helps kids stay in touch. This is true kids can communicate fast and easily with technology. In the article Is technology messing with your brain the author states “Facebook lets you stay in touch with your friends even those halfway across the country. This shows that technology can be great for staying in touch. Another thing people could argue is that technology is a way for kids to find out information quickly. They are not wrong, teens can find almost anything using the internet from the population of the United States to where seals live. It's all on the internet. While what the opposing side says is true there are ways for teens to limit technology. Teens do not need the internet to find out information and they definitely do not need to constantly be texting friends. Instead of using technology to find out information teens can find what they need to know in books at the library. Reading books makes kids smarter and benefits there brains. They can still use some technology to find out information but not using so much will be better for teens. It is reasonable for teens to want to stay in touch with friends but they do not need to be constantly texting friends that they see every day. Teens can limit texting by calling friends instead of checking their phone every five minutes to see if one of their friends texted them back. Finally the reasons to use technology are not good reasons and have alternatives that can limit technology for

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