Is Justice Fairly Served in New York City?

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Is justice fairly served in New York City? Everyday some one is arrested for something they did not do. The New York City officers abuse their power as a public servant, while leaving citizens vulnerable in situations. They fear the police of what the could do to their reputations if they go against their authority. In the Adventures of a Novelist, Crane had to make a decision on weather he should testify or not for the prostitute that was accused for soliciting two men. Crane knew what the right thing was to do, but was apprehensive of what may turn out for him. When someone is wrongfully accused of something, as citizens we have the obligation for justice, even if that means getting ridicule for it.

When the policeman was arresting the chorus girls for soliciting two men one said, “Well, he’s my husband.” Crane respond “Yes; I am”(315). Crane realize that agreeing to the marriage save the girl who is not a prostitute from being arrested as one, but forgetting that the other chorus girls was still being arrested. Crane was unaware that the chorus girl was going to jail for prostitution because he didn’t defend her. Crane knew that this was a poor act of justice to take her to jail for something she didn’t do. Crane knew he had to take matters in to his own hands. So the other chorus girl and Crane had went to the precinct where the girl was sent to figure out how they might get her out of jail.

Crane saw how incorrect the officer’s information was being presented to the sergeant about the arrest of the girl. The officer was being manipulative and misleading to the sergeant to show that he was doing a reasonable job, which should give crane a motive to testify. The officer show this when Crane notes, ‘At the station h...

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...eed their help. Crane states that people don’t understand the duties they have as citizens, “Have I a duty as a citizen, or do citizens have duty, as a citizen, or do citizen have no duties?”. Indeed people need to become educated about the laws and rights they have as a citizen. With that Crane should be proud to fight for something that is wrong.

In New York City, people get into all sorts of trouble. At times the problems people get themselves into have nothing to do with them. As a fellow New Yorker, citizens need to make it official help one another of times of need. Everyone needs a supporter in life, otherwise they may fail. Crane is this girl supporter in that situation. He is the one that going to be there for her when she needs someone the most. Crane should be horned to be a citizen that is there for her and making a choice that will benefit him in life.

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