Is Johnny A Hero Essay

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Hero, a man admired for his achievements and noble qualities. Johnny is a hero for the most obvious reason, he willingly gave his life to save others. Ponyboy also risked his life to save others, and he was a hero figure to Johnny for being there for him in the hardest times. Dally is a hero within himself for helping the boys out. This is what the boys did to be heros throughout the entire story. Johnny is a hero for the most obvious reason. He, in my definition, over exceeds the qualities of a hero. He willingly gave his life in order to save a lot more. With the help of Ponyboy, Johnny was able to save five kids out of the burning church the could’ve possible been started because of his or Ponyboy’s fault. Also he didn’t do it to get a cover on the paper. Or to be called a hero by all of his friends. Lastly, he allowed Ponyboy to leave the building first after being told by Ponyboy to go without him and he would make it out after Johnny did. This is why Johnny is a hero. Dally is a hero in a different way rather than how Johnny and Ponyboy are. He is a hero in a separate definition than I put down. He also helped get the kids out of the building from the outside but he didn’t do anything that could compare to what Ponyboy and Johnny did in that event. Although, in the …show more content…

He had the courage to run in the burning church before Johnny and Dally could even process what was happening at that moment. He always was comforting Johnny when his home life wasn’t doing that great and now when the were alone in a church with $50 worth of food and in another city. So in this case Ponyboy could be considered a hero to Johnny personally because he helped him get through tough times like the one in the book. Ponyboy was a hero because he was able to get through the hardest part of his life so far like a mature person and was able to handle it like he was an adult. That is being a hero alone for being able to get through

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