Is Arranged Marriage Really Any Worse Than Craigslist Analysis

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Most first world countries are against the idea of arranged marriages and are for marriage of choice. Indian Writers like Anita Jain who lives in the United States of America dwell on that Indian girls do not have a choice when it comes to arrange marriages. In “Is Arranged Marriage Really Any Worse Than Craigslist?” Jain explains how she does not like the idea of arranged marriage and how she likes choosing the people she wants to date. Jain stats, “I didn’t want to get married the way my brother did. He’d met his wife through a newspaper ad my parents had taken out”(Jain). Jain is one of the many women today that are against arranged marriage like their parents were forced into, “for some Indians; the conundrum is exacerbated by the fact that our parents had no choice for a partner;”(Jain). Jain is stating that Indian women now have a choice for they have more opportunities in a first world country like America. Jain does not want to be told whom she has to marry for she is more liberal against the idea of arranged marriage and wants to find her own husband. Jain stats that she likes the way it felt when she had her first kiss with Matt at age fourteen. Jain just like many other …show more content…

The lack of a highly populated middle class makes the need for arranged marriage to insure that the inexperience bride and groom make a financially stable and socially acceptable decision. Yet in first-world countries more economic and social opportunities provide the people stability. In First world countries where the poverty rate is low and employment is high citizens have the financial stability to make inexperience decision like marriage. Although both marriages have their benefits and downsides the decision of whether you participate in arranged marriage or marriage of choice is lies with the bride and

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