Irony In President Bill Clinton's Living History

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“Gulping for air, I started crying and yelling at him: ‘What do you mean? Why did you lie to me?’ I was furious and getting more so by the second. He stood there saying over and over again, ‘I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I was trying to protect you and Chelsea.’,” Mrs. Clinton writes in her memoir, Living History. Not only did the affair between former President Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky have an effect on his wife, former First Lady Hillary Clinton, but also the American people. This scandal also brought up questions of morality and whether or not Clinton was fit to finish his presidency. From 1995 to 1998, President Bill Clinton was keeping a secret from not only his family, but also the entire country. It all started when 21 year old …show more content…

“I believe that what my husband did was morally wrong. So was lying to me and misleading the American people about it. I also knew his failing was not a betrayal of his country. Everything I had learned from the Watergate investigation convinced me that there were no grounds to impeach Bill.” (Clinton, 472) How correct was Mrs. Clinton? President Clinton not only lied to the country, but lied under oath, which is part of why he is later impeached. Clinton was also known to be religious from a young age. He once said, "Religious faith has permitted me to believe in the continuing possibility of becoming a better person every day, to believe in the search for complete integrity in life." ( Adultery and lying are both sins and against God. This brings up questions of whether or not Bill Clinton was actually as religious as he insinuated and what other “beliefs” would he go against? How much Clinton’s personal life affects his presidency was up to the …show more content…

In the Starr Report, Lewinsky claims she is “in love” with Clinton. Imagine being in love with someone you can’t have, and then when you pursue them, the entire country is against you. Monica Lewinsky was basically alone through this ordeal, and every person in America hated her. She got in the way of a happy marriage, one of the most famous couples in the world at the time. Of course the did this to herself, but it took two to do what they did. While President Clinton was viewed as untrustworthy and maybe a “pig”, Monica Lewinsky was known to be the sexy mistress who seduced the President, the “slut” of Washington, D.C. All of America shamed her for being in love. After the trial and impeachment, Lewinsky cooperated with Andrew Morton to write Monica’s Story, a biography about what happened. She also was interviewed by Barbara Walters for ABC’s 20/20, appeared on Saturday Night Live as herself, and had many magazines publish articles about her. In early 2000, Monica was in Jenny Craig commercials to promote the diet company, but with all the controversy was fired and only earned nearly a third of what she was supposed to make (Gazette Review). President Clinton was impeached, but still got to keep his job. Monica Lewinsky struggled to find or keep jobs because the mistake she made when she was just 21 years old followed her. It’s not fair that the public can move on when it

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