Iron Jawed Angels Essay

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Katja Von Garnier’s film Iron Jawed Angles takes place in the 1900’s. The moving and extraordinary story tells of a group of young women who sacrifice their lives fighting for women’s right to vote in the United States. The self-motivated group is led by a pair of friends, Alice Paul and Lucy Burns. The ambition for the 19th amendment leads this group of women activist to push boundaries in order to receive what they want. The 1912 story has similarities to today’s society where we see activists fighting for a particular issue that a group of people struggles with. The group of suffragists are rebellious against a president and a government that they do not agree with. Here, we see a parallel between today’s world as well in Iron Jawed Angels. …show more content…

Carrie Catta and Anna Howard are a bit more conservative than Alice Paul and Lucy Burns. The leaders of the NAWAS do not agree with protesting, marching, and hunger strikes as a way to win their right to vote as they believe that the constitutional amendment that gives women the right to vote will be vetoed in the Senate. The members of the NAWAS group prefer to go state-by-state in order to obtain the right to vote. In the state-by-state approach, each state will determine whether or not they should grant women in the United States the right to vote. Because Alice Paul had a different view from the NAWAS, she decided to leave this group and create her own known as the National Women’s …show more content…

The group even went as far as to hold up signs talking about the Presidents hypocrisy. During a time of war, the women did not back down and still fought for their suffrage. Soon after, the women were arrested and sent to a workhouse for “obstructing traffic.” These consequences led to Alice Paul to have after a hunger strike in her jail cell after she was arrested as well. This is where the movie receives the title, Iron Jawed Angels. Paul, Burns, and many other women’s refusal to eat earns the title of the “Iron Jawed Angels.” The women received abusive and terrorizing treatments in the jail cells. In fact, the guards were paid to forced-feed them milk and raw eggs through a

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