Investment Bias

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Investors show many biases and few of these behavioral biases exist in solitude as different biases interact with each other and effects investor’s decision making process. Following list represents some common biases investors face.
Representativeness: Representativeness causes investors to label an investment as bad or good based on its latest performance. As a result, investors purchase stocks after prices have increased expecting the rise in price to continue and they ignore stocks when their prices are below their fundamental values. In actual practice, investors should have a clearly defined set of analytical procedure that they test and retest in order to clarify and upgrade the stocks over the long run.
Regret or loss aversion: Regret …show more content…

As disposition effect can inflate the taxes on capital gains payable by investors and can reduce returns before taxes, it is harmful to investors. The concept of cut losses and let profits increase, facilitates investors to employ investment management efficiently to achieve more returns.
Familiarity bias: Despite the gains from diversification, investors may have a preference for similar investments. Generally, investors prefer investment in familiar local assets and portfolios of domestic securities. Significance of this bias is that substandard portfolios are held by investors. This bias can be overcome if investors broaden their portfolio appropriation which results in risk reduction.
Anchoring: The propensity to hold on to a belief and exercise it as a instinctive reference point for making future judgments or decisions is termed as anchoring. It arises when an individual lets information oversight his rational decision-making process. Often people take decisions based on the initial source of information for example an initial purchase price of a share and they face difficulty in adjusting their view to new information. Anchoring can be avoided if investor chooses broad range of choices for investment and by considering different relevant

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