Investigating How Quickly Amylase Breaks Down Starch With Varying Temperatures

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Investigating How Quickly Amylase Breaks Down Starch With Varying Temperatures

Instructions List

I gathered the equipment shown below. I put 3 drops of iodine in each

chamber of the spotting tile. I boiled the kettle and mixed together

water from the kettle with water from the tap so the water reaches the

correct temperature. The water was put into a beaker. 5ml of starch

was put into a test tube. The test tube was placed into the beaker.

When the water in the beaker was at the required temperature the stop

clock was started. After one minute 1ml of amylase was put into the

test tube with the starch using a syringe or pipette. As soon as the

amylase and the starch had mixed a sample was taken from the test tube

using a pipette and mixed with the droplets of iodine in one of the

chambers of the spotting tile. The experiment was repeated many times

for different temperatures ranging from 20 degrees Celsius to 60

Celsius. The temperature goes up 5 degrees every time.

Fair Test

I will make sure that I measure the correct amounts of starch and

amylase each time. I will always put 3 drops of iodine in each chamber

of the spotting tile, no more, no less. I will clean out the test tube

and spotting tile thoroughly each time I repeat the experiment. I will

always measure the temperature of the water in the beaker accurately

with a thermometer.

Equipment List


Ÿ A beaker

Ÿ A bottle of starch

Ÿ A bottle of amylase

Ÿ A bottle of iodine

Ÿ A test tube

Ÿ 2 spotting tiles

Ÿ Kettle

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