Investigating Factors that Vary When Gas is Given Off

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Investigating Factors that Vary When Gas is Given Off

When Hydrochloric acid mixes with marble chips a reaction takes place

and gas is given off, we are going to investigate factors that vary

how the gas is given off.


I am going to investigate how varying the surface area of marble chips

differs their rate of reaction with Hydrochloric acid.


I am going to make a table of the different varible we can use for our


Level of Hydrochloric acid

This must stay the same through out the experiment, we will use 20cm³

of hydrochloric acid each time we repeat the experiment and we will

measure it out using a measuring cylinder. By keeping the level of

hydrochloric acid constant we are then able to focus purely on how

surface area affects rate of reaction

Size of marble chips

We are going to use the same mass of marble chips each time we repeat

the experiment but we are going to use three different size marble

chips small, medium and large. This will give us 3 clear differences

in size dor us to use in our experiment

Mass of marble chip

We will use 2g of each type of marble chip and we will measure it out

using scales. As we are only investigating surface area we will keep

the mass of the marble chips constant.



I predict that by increasing the surface area of marble chips the rate

at which hydrochloric acid reacts with these marble chips will

increase too, thus the greater the surface area of the marble chips

the quicker the gas is given off.

I believe that by increasing the surface area of the marble chips will

increase the rate of reaction because Increasing the surface area must

increase the number of particles of marble chips in contact with the

Hydrochloric acid. The more particles there are this means that there

will be more collisions and that the particles will travel at a

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