Cylinder Essays

  • Osmosis in Potato Cylinders

    1262 Words  | 3 Pages

    Osmosis in Potato Cylinders Aim: Trying to find the average sugar concentration in the potato cylinder cells. I will use potatoes for my experiment because they are convenient and shows fast results in osmosis. [IMAGE]The diagram to the right shows a basic plant cell, however, the difference between this diagram and the potato cells I will be using is that the potato will not be green as it does not need chlorophyll. The cell membranes in a potato cylinder are partially permeable;

  • The Process of Porting and Polishing a Cylinder Head

    694 Words  | 2 Pages

    There are many steps to Porting and Polishing, six to be exact. There are many tools that will be needed in this process too. Porting and Polishing is just basically when you just smooth out the ports where the air flows through the head into the cylinder without restriction. You will get two effects out of this. You will have more horsepower do to colder and more denser air. You will also get better gas mileage. This research paper will discuss how to port and polish a head. First step would be

  • Comparing an Eight Cylinder Camaro and a Six Cylinder Camaro

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    Comparing an Eight Cylinder Camaro and a Six Cylinder Camaro The purpose of this report is to compare the six-cylinder Camaro (RS), to the eight-cylinder Camaro (Z/28) to see which one is most suitable. The specific areas I studied, based on primary and secondary sources are Performance, Gas Mileage and Price of each automobile. The Z/28 and the R/S are simply two models of a Chevrolet sport-car based on options. The Camaro has become a legend dominating the market for more than three decades

  • Cyrus Cylinder Analysis

    527 Words  | 2 Pages

    Cyrus Cylinder The Cyrus Cylinder was found in Babylon (modern day Iraq) during the 1800s, it is originally from the ancient world. This small piece of clay from 539 BCE has a pretty modern message, it is the first document stating human rights. During this time you typically would not expect something like this. Usually, the king would not have a lot of regards for his people. However, King Cyrus the Great changed this during victor's justice. The people did not know much about their new ruler.

  • History of the Development of Brakes

    836 Words  | 2 Pages

    the wheel cylinder. Pushrods in the cylinder then apply pressure to both shoes, overcoming the spring tension and pressing the shoes against the drum. Hydraulic drum brakes can also be mechanically activated as parking brakes by a cable attached to the lever. When pressure is removed from the brake pedal, springs on the brake shoes force the shoes back to their normal released position. This movement of the shoes forces the pistons inward, returning the fluid to the master cylinder reservoir

  • The Concept and Measurement of Density: Lab Report

    520 Words  | 2 Pages

    Obtain a 50.0mL graduate cylinder and determine its mass to the nearest 0.1g. Record in the appropriate space on your data sheet. 2. Fill the graduate cylinder to the 30.0mL mark with tap water. Remember to read the bottom of the meniscus. This is the initial volume, V initial. Place the aluminum cylinder and note the final volume, V final. Record the mass of the aluminum cylinder, water, and graduate in the data table. 3. Repeat step 2, filling the 50.0mL graduate cylinder to the 30.0mL mark with

  • Osmosis Investigation

    738 Words  | 2 Pages

    measuring cylinder 1 colorimeter 16 cuvettes 1 white tile 2 thermometers 5 water baths – set at temperatures 30ºC, 40ºC, 50ºC, 60ºC, 70ºC Distilled Water Paper towels Independent Variables In this experiment there are several possible independent variables that could be changed, these consist of: * The surface area of the beetroot cylinder * The volume of the beetroot cylinder * The temperate the experiment is done at * The time the beetroot cylinders are left

  • Investigating Osmosis in Potato Tissue

    815 Words  | 2 Pages

    Method ====== The volume of each boiling tube was calculated, and then 2 tubes were half-filled with 0.1M sucrose solution, 2 tubes were filled with 0.3M sucrose solution, while the final 2 tubes were filled with 0.5M sucrose solution. Then 6 cylinders of potato were cut from the tuber using the cork borer. These were then all cut down to 20mm in length using the scalpel. They were then dried with the paper towel to remove excess water before being weighed on the electric balance. The weight

  • An Ekphrasis of John Hedjuk's Drawing 'Study for Wall House'

    1366 Words  | 3 Pages

    This report is an ekphrasis of John Hejduk’s drawing “Study for Wall House.” Ekphrasis writings intend to compare and unite elements that may be physically visible and elements that may be more conceptual. This report will endeavor to visualize Hejduk’s drawing through the views of physical and metaphysical elements, to expose connections through visual and conceptual perspectives. Located within the silent forest of special collections is Hejduk’s drawing, “Study for Wall House.” The temperature

  • The Effect of a Range of Sucrose Solutions Upon Potato Tissu

    536 Words  | 2 Pages

    Scalpel Beakers Weighing Scales Method ====== A standard sized cylinder of potato tissue is put into a beaker. Using a cork borer of a known size, in order to cut the cylinder of tissue, carries this out. This prepared cylinder has all peel tissue removed from its surface, and is cut into a standard length, using a scalpel. The mass of each cylinder of potato is weighed and recorded. One prepared cylinder of tissue is placed into each beaker, ensuring all surfaces are fully submerged

  • Rate of Reaction Investigation

    648 Words  | 2 Pages

    [IMAGE][IMAGE]Text Box: Conical Flask Paper Timer Big Measuring Cylinder Small Measuring Cylinder [IMAGE] Apperatus: 200 ml Beakers – To hold solutions Lined paper – To determine when the mixture is cloudy Timer – To time the rate of reaction Hydrochloric acid Sodium thiosulphate Water 100ml measuring cylinder 10ml measuring cylinder Fair Test: For a fair test I must do: · Make sure the beakers are thoroughly cleaned after

  • History Of The Clarinet

    596 Words  | 2 Pages

    the barrel, the upper section, the lower section, and the bell. The length of the entire instrument is 60 cm long. The mouthpiece section consists of a slotted cylinder, to which a reed is attached by a metal clamp called a ligature. The mouthpiece plugs into the next section which is a barrel. The barrel is simply a connecting cylinder to which the mouthpiece and the upper section plugs into. The upper section is a cylindrical pipe consisting of 4 holes and 9 keys placed in different locations

  • Investigating Viscosity

    1176 Words  | 3 Pages

    Method ------ Apparatus Required ------------------ * Water bath * Thermometer * Measuring cylinder * Steel ball bearing * Micrometer * Balance * Honey (100cm3) * Stopwatch * Ruler Plan ---- * Measure the radius of the ball bearing and also find its weight. * Find the mass of the honey. Weighing an empty measuring cylinder and then the same cylinder with the honey in it does this. The difference in the two recordings is the mass of the honey. * Find

  • The Physics of Turbo Charging

    1255 Words  | 3 Pages

    piston. As the piston descends in the cylinder for the first time a mixture of gasoline and air is pulled into the cylinder through an open valve. As he piston moves back up in the cylinder the valve closes and the mixture is compressed in the combustion chamber. As the piston reaches the top of the cylinder a spark is fired from the spark plug. This spark ignites the mixture and it expands at a very fast rate. This explosion forces the piston down in the cylinder again. On the next rise the left over

  • Determination of the Relative Atomic Mass of Calcium

    986 Words  | 2 Pages

    -------- [IMAGE] v 0.10g of calcium used. v 100cm3 of distilled water used. Results Method 1 Mass of Calcium (g) Total volume of gas produced (cm3) 0.10 37 v Starting point of water in cylinder = 238cm3 v Ending point, after reaction complete, of water in cylinder= 201cm3 v (238 - 201 = 37) Deduction of 37cm3, therefore 37cm3 of hydrogen gas produced. 1 mol of gas occupies 24000 cm3 at room temperature and pressure. Ca (s) + 2H2O (l) à Ca(OH)2 (aq) + H2 (g)

  • How James Watt Affected The Economic Growth Of Our Nation

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    economically inefficient. The reasons for the inefficiency was the cylinder had to be heated when steam was admitted and then slowly cooled down again to condense the steam. This process wasted a lot of time, energy, and steam. As he was wandering through Glasgow Green he struck upon an idea that would revolutionize the steam engine. This idea was "that in order to make the best use of the steam it was necessary that first, that the cylinder should always remain as hot as the steam which entered it; secondly

  • Internal Combustion Engines

    524 Words  | 2 Pages

    Most motor vehicles today use an Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) to give them power to drive down the road; ICEs are a form of a heat engine. Gasoline is burned to push a piston, which in return forces the car down the road. As the gas in the cylinder is ignited and expanded it forces the piston down the shaft. The force is carried through piston, which is connected to a crankshaft. The force moves through the transmission, down the driveshaft, and out the tires. The Otto Cycle is used to turn

  • Investigating the Factors that Affect Osmosis in Living Tissue

    5450 Words  | 11 Pages

    mind that we have limited time and shall be conducting our experiments in a laboratory, measuring certain things may therefore be impractical. We shall therefore limit our investigation to the effect of three things: Cross-sectional area of plant cylinder, concentration of solution and temperature of solution. Variables There are three main types of variable; Independent (input), control and dependent variables. An independent variable, otherwise known as an input variable, is the variable

  • Speeding up the Rate of Photosynthesis

    651 Words  | 2 Pages

    [IMAGE]Carbon Dioxide + water Glucose + oxygen Method First of all I collected all my apparatus. Then I filled both the beaker and the measuring cylinder with water. The pondweed was put inside the measuring cylinder, with a paper clip on one end to weigh it down. I then added sodium hydrogen to the water in the measuring cylinder to make sure that the amount of CO2 was kept constant through the experiment. The beaker full of water was used as a heat shield, which was placed halfway

  • The Effect of the Concentration of Hydrochloric Acid on the Amount of Hydrogen

    550 Words  | 2 Pages

    Hydrochloric acid affects the amount of hydrogen or the time it takes to produce 30cm3 of gas, when the Hydrochloric acid reacts with the magnesium powder. Prediction ========== I predict that the amount of hydrogen in the measuring cylinder will increase as the concentration increases; this is because if there is more concentration there shall be more particles for the magnesium to collide with so the reaction will be faster. I think that my prediction is true because if you increase