Into The Woods Music Analysis

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“Once upon a time in a far-off kingdom there lay a small village at the edge of the woods and in this village lived a young maiden, a care-free young lad, and a childless baker with his wife”, Introducing the 2014 adaptation of Into the Woods. Though the original musical words the introduction slightly different the concepts are the same. The childless baker and his wife go on a journey to find items they can give to the witch to end the curse she has put on them to keep them from having children. On this journey they encounter many different characters who have stories of their own, but in the end these characters contribute to the baker and his wife’s goal. The film and the musical are both very similar. The storylines are almost the same, but I do think that the musical is better. The movie of course is still a wonderful production that closely follows the musical. When deciding which is better it comes down to certain details to prove which is better. The musical has better detail in their character changes, transitions between scenes are good for the time, and the …show more content…

In the musical the Evil Witch is shown as an ugly old lady with graying hair. Once the curse is undone she become a beautiful young woman with dark brown hair. The only tell-tale sign that she is the same person is her voice. In the musical it is more believable when Rapunzel does not recognize her own mother, but in the movie you can clearly see that it is the same person. The only difference between the movie character is that her hair becomes untangled and she wears better clothes. Another character in the movie that shows a dramatic change is the wolf. The wolf costume is realistic and actually looks like a wolf. In the movie the wolf just looks like a regular man, but with whiskers and wolf ears. The characters in the musical seem to have a lot more effort put into them and they also do their costume changes in a short amount of

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