Knowledge In Intimate Relationships

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Knowledge in an intimate relationship is extremely important, without knowing your lover’s past how can you truly know their future? In a potential or serious relationship, you should get to know the likes and dislikes of your partner. You can find out a lot about someone by simply listening to them, we all have things that make us unique. By knowing the smallest detail of someone can truly make that person feel loved and appreciated, like knowing their favorite foods, favorite color or even how they like their eggs prepared is a good start. By getting to someone’s past is heavily important who knows the person you’re with might be a killer or something crazy, I’ve watched shows were the person didn’t know they were dating a killer. In fact, …show more content…

“Trust one another, expecting to be treated fairly and honorably (Simpson,2007). Trust is like the golden rule, treat others as you would treat yourself, would you want someone to lie to you daily or cheat on you. I honestly feel we as people can only love someone we trust, especially being intimate with that person. Once trust is gone, you being to feel unsafe and insecure within yourself. Being insecure in an intimate relationship will start to have that partner revaluate themselves, “Why doesn’t he or she love me”? “Am I handsome or pretty enough”? “People expect that no undue harm will result from their intimate relationship, and if it does, they often become wary and reduce the openness and interdependence that characterize closeness” (Jones et al., 1997). Soon you’ll begin to respond differently to normal behaviors your partner does with suspicion, causing a rift in the relationship. Now with social media being so prevalent it only makes it worst, the partner beings to stalk social media in hopes of finding incrementing …show more content…

It may not be physical, but verbal abuse is still just as worse we tend to make that partner feel small because we are hurting. Once someone’s been hurt by the person they love it’s hard to trust again, then to carry all those insecurities in to a new relationship is like building a house then to knock it down only to build the same house. To rebuild trust, you need to first take accountability of all your wrong doing, never make excuses or scapegoat your partner. Can you truly be intimate with a person you love when you don’t have trust? Trust is like a car without tires, you can sit in the car all day, but it won’t go anywhere. An intimate relationship isn’t just about love, feelings or sex it’s about commitment. Partners have to be responsible to that commitment, regardless of what temptations they may face. It doesn’t matter married or not, when you decided to be in relationship you must act with respect and devotion. Invest time in your partnership, go on dates whether it’s to the movies or just a walk on the beach, it shows that you are committed to spending time with each other. Commitment makes your partner feel safe, especially when times get hard they have that safety

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