Internet Cause Information Loss By Nicholas Carr

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Although Nicholas Carr’s argument about how the use of internet is causing “information loss,” there’s no doubt that the internet has become a universal tool that benefits us more than harms us. To further validify my pro internet position I’d like to remind you that without the technology’s we have developed over the course of the past century; we wouldn’t have 3D organ printers that potentially save lives, we wouldn’t have access to the many cultures that inhabit the giant orb we live on; we would be more “uneducated” in a sense that we would be disconnected. Even though we survived and thrived before technology, houses, cars, and modern medicines, we were primal and we learned how to adapt to the changes the world threw at us. Considering that was hundreds of years ago that’s not the case for today. …show more content…

Carr argues that “With the exception of the alphabet and number systems, the Net may well be the single most powerful mind-altering technology that has ever come into general use. At the very least, it’s the most powerful that has come along since the book.” which in today’s day and age it’s hard to be as moved by a paper text than it is to be moved by the net text. Years before internet was brought into existence books were our only form of knowledge about anything, for example many people still use “The Old Testament” as a guide to their “salvation”. Up until 2012 we still referred back to the Mayan Calendar. In 1869, Russian chemist, Dimitri Mendeleev started the development of the periodic table. proponents of Carr’s are right to argue that “the modern mind is like a fictional computer”. But he exaggerates when he claims that the internet makes us unintellectual or “Shallow”

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