Interest Groups Research Paper

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Interest groups have been a significant component in our modern day society and the democratization process of America, which have been criticized and also praised on whether interest groups have benefitted America as a whole. Interest groups are simply defined as a group or organization of people who share similar goals and ideas to try to influence public policy by maintaining or changing the status quo and achieving what the certain interest group advocates and embodies in the political atmosphere. These interest groups present to the public and politics their fundamentals and support politicians who share the same interest and common goal as that certain interest group mostly by financial support. These interest groups also rally American …show more content…

Mainstream media mainly covers the newsworthy and controversial actions the NRA has performed depicting the NRA negatively most of the time. As our American society has established that the National Rifle Association is one of the most efficient and effective interest groups in our politics, the mainstream media has added along with that fact that the NRA is an extremely controlling organization that most of the time gets their way due to how much money the organization pours into the politicians. The NRA has established a significant and sort of intimidating role in American politics that makes it exceedingly difficult for politicians to oppose their principles. The mainstream media has also portrayed the NRA as bullies, if you will, by threatening and harassing the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), the National Institutes of Health and other federal agencies to investigate the threat of firearms (Tom Mckay, 2015). The NRA influenced their Republican allies in Congress to prohibit the CDC to conduct any research that would ‘advocate or promote gun control’ after a study exposed the risk of firearms in homes in 1996. The CDC banned itself from conducting any research related to firearms in fear of budget cuts. Mainstream media has also tried to expose the National Rifle Association of having an ulterior motive: to sell

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