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Integrity applies to everyone, whether in school or not, everyone is affected by it. The word integrity can be interpreted in many ways. I believe that integrity is the quality of being honest. Other people believe that is has to do with morals, and ethical principles. Integrity applies to people in school in many ways. It can deal with bullying, cheating on tests, copying your friends homework, etc. If you cheat on a test then you have bad integrity, which can also be known as dishonesty, because you are not being honest. If you are bullying someone then you are dishonest as well. However if you see someone sitting alone at lunch, who is clearly upset, and you sit with her and start talking to her and automatically make her feel better, then you have integrity because you are doing something nice. …show more content…

When I was in elementary school, I was always doing things with my friends at recess. One day I saw a girl who was sitting alone on the swings and I went up and asked her if she wanted to play tag with me and my friends. She quickly cheered up and said yes. This is an example of integrity because I did something nice to cheer someone else up. Although I have done various acts based off integrity, I have also done dishonest acts. In my first year of middle school I was under stress moving up to a new school and experiencing so many new and difficult things. This stress led me to be dishonest with myself and my teachers. In third grade, my first year of middle school, I was having a lot of trouble with math. I couldn’t understand my homework so I used a calculator to do my homework even though we were not supposed to be using them. While using the calculator my parents caught me and I got in trouble. This taught me that I should never cheat or be

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