Integration of University of Mississippi

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Integration of Ole Miss

A strong and independent minded man named James H. Meredith applied for acceptance into the University of Mississippi. Meredith "anticipated on encountering some type of difficulty" with his attempt to enter the University of Mississippi, also known as the Ole Miss, but 'difficulty' would not describe his journey. The day after John F. Kennedy was inaugurated in early January of 1961, Meredith requested for application into the Ole Miss. On January 26, the registrar of Ole Miss, Robert B. Ellis, sent him an application along with a letter indicating that the university was "very pleased to know of [Meredith's] interest in becoming a member of our student body" (JFK Library). Meredith applied on January 31, enclosing a letter indicting he was an "American-Mississippi-Negro citizen." On February 4 the registrar sent Meredith a telegram stating that the Ole Miss "found [it] necessary to discontinue consideration of all applications for registration . . . received after January 25, 1961" (JFK Library). Hearing of his status to the Ole Miss, Meredith seemed to have felt angry and annoyed. His application was neither accepted nor rejected, but rather delayed upon hearing that he was a Negro. Meredith immediately wrote to Thurgood Marshall then to the U.S. Justice Department describing his situation. Meredith had been consciously aware since he was fifteen that he was a Negro and "until I was fifteen I did not know that my group was supposed to be the inferior one. Since then I have felt a personal responsibility to change the status of my group" (JFK Library). Meredith applied to the Ole Miss not just to get an education, but he did it for the people of his race. Since realizing that he was supposed to be inf...

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...a brief one that didn?t help this report at all, other than to confirm a good review of the book.

Works Cited

Amacker , Kristy , and Ellen Harris . John F. Kennedy Library and Museum, Integrating Ole Miss . June 2002. JFK Education Department. 10 Apr. 2004 .

"Barnett Defies Federal Court on Mississippi U. Integration." New York Times 13 Sept.

1962: 2.

Diamonstein, Barbaralee. ?Historic Return to College.? Saturday Review 28 May 1966: 31-32.

Integration and the University of Mississippi. Cartoon. New York Times [New York] 30 Sept. 1962: 1.

"News Summary and Index." New York Times 2 Oct. 1962: 1.

Smith, Hedrick. "Barnett Charges Marshalls: Says 'Trigger- Happy' U.S. Officers are Responsible for Campus Bloodshed." New York Times 1 Oct 1962: 2.

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