Integration By Malcolm X

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Malcolm X was a freedom fighter like Dr. King who fought for the right and freedoms for black Americans. Unlike Malcolm, Dr. King called black Americans blacks while Malcolm called them Negros. Malcolm used violence in his fight for freedom when he said, “Revolution was based upon bloodshed”. Malcolm was ready for anything as far as blacks will gain the respect and freedom they needed. In Malcolm’s black revolution, he made it clear how blacks were treated differently no matter their age, what school they came out of, no matter what their intellectual or professional level was, they were still recognized as a boy and were not given the respect they deserved. He also pointed out how whites made them think they had different goals and objectives. …show more content…

Malcolm in his revolution defined integration as only a method that is used by some groups to obtain freedom, justice, equality and respect as human beings. Malcolm saw that everything the whites were doing was for their benefits and not for the blacks because they did not treat blacks as humans. He gave examples as how he grew up with white people. “I was integrate before they even invented the word and I have never met white people yet-if you are around them long enough-who won’t refer to you as a “boy” or a “gal” no matter how old you are or what school you, came out of, no matter what your intellectual or professional level is. In this society we remain “boys””. Malcolm saw that they were deprived of all the benefits and all the needs a person needs in other to feel good about him or herself. All black Americans wanted were to have the same goals and objectives as the whites, to be recognized, and to be respected as human beings. Their main objectives were freedom, justice and …show more content…

There was no justice and human dignity between blacks and whites because blacks became victim of brutality by those who are depriving them of their rights to do whatever necessary to protect themselves. An example Malcolm stated when the police were putting water hoses on blacks and throwing tear gas at them and they met a hail of stones, a hail of rocks, a hail of bricks in Cleveland. Black American realized that the only way for them to gain their respect and freedom was to fight back and Malcolm gave an example how George Washington fought for independence violently. Malcolm realized the need to fight for all blacks over the world since if one black gets treated anyhow and nothing is done, another black in another country or place would face the same fate and get treated anyhow without any consequences hence freedom must be attain violently and he did not care if it would involve shedding of blood. Malcolm stated, “What happens to a black man in America today happens to the black man in Africa. What happens to a black man in America and Africa happens to the black man in Asia and to the man down in Latin America”. Over all, about twenty two million African Americans were ready to fight for

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