Innuit People And Climate Change Essay

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Introduction Climate change has been one of the hottest topic since 18th century. Ice and glaciers began to melt faster and more rapidly as a result of warmer climate. This has causes dynamic changes and also reveals velunebility of Inuit people in different areas.
In this paper, I will examine the interactions between climate change and Innuit people by looking into the changes in food, health condition and living habbits of Innuit people from last century to present days.

Rising Temperature and newly created hazards on Innuit community The rising temperature have disabled several traditions of Innuit people, including weather predicting, hunting, and so on. For this section, I will present the old Innuit lifestyle with respect to present days lifestyle. I will present the example of Innuit harvester and Innuit hunters. …show more content…

I have prepared for this work by looking at the research article "Climate-sennsitive health priorties in Nunatsiavut, Canada" by herilee L. Harper, Victoria L. Edge, James Ford, Ashlee Cunsolo Willox, Michele Wood, IHACC Research,Team, RICG and Scott A. McEwen.

Food and health under climate Change Modern development has a strong connection towards food and health on Inuit people. For this section, I will read about research articles to contrast the food difference between past and present, and further discuss the positive and negative effects of modern development to health conditions of Innuit

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