Softball Injury Issues

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There are many issues that can occur while playing select softball. Although select softball in not a contact sport, some of the issues include injuries. Since 1887 softball has been a sport many enjoy to participate in. During these times the equipment was not as safe as it is now days. Some injuries that are the most common to occur are ankle sprains, concussions, overuse injuries, knee injuries, and shoulder injuries. Injuries are an issue because they can result a player not being able to play and having to sit out until the injuries are cleared by a doctor. Injuries do have a prevention and can be avoided in some cases. But, when these injuries do occur to a player there are treatments that must be done to insure the player can return …show more content…

This is because of the constant standing up and squatting this player does. Knee injuries are not a frequent overuse injury. An article, Stop Sports Injuries, states many different types of knee injuries. Pain syndromes is “pain in the front of the knee” (Preventing Knee Injuries). Other knee injuries could be brought from ligaments, fractures, dislocations, and cartilage injuries. For knee injuries the most common prevention is making sure the player tells the coach when they are feeling any discomfort. Continuing playing with a knee injury can make matters worse. Some treatments for this knee injurie could result in surgery. Most cases the knee needs to be rested and in a brace when player returns to softball. The brace can stabilize the knee to avoid discomfort. The player must seek medical attention if they experience inability to stand and put weight on the injuries knee. However, most knee injuries can be treated with rest and for 24-48 …show more content…

These injuries are brought from overhand throwing, which every softball player does at some whether at practice or at a game. Some common should injuries are bicep tendinitis, tendon tears, and rotator cuff tendinitis. These injuries all have soreness and might be swollen. Shoulder injuries should be treated with rest and ice. In some cases shoulder injuries must be treated with a sling to insure stability and avoid movement of the muscles effected. As well as all of the other injuries, players must be cleared by a medical profession to prevent more damage being done to the area. Other treatments might include physical therapy, or surgical treatment (depending on severity). Prevention plans to avoid shoulder problems include “Proper condition, technique, and recovery time” (Shoulder Injuries in the Throwing

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