Initial Session Analysis

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B. Purpose of the session This was the first initial session with the client and the purpose was to complete clinical assessment and mutually develop a case plan with identified treatment goals and tasks. Additionally, to begin building a therapeutic relationship with the client. The purpose of the session is explained to the client during orientation with the probation officer, and again I explained the purpose of the session to the client. This allows the client to understand the purpose of the session and a mutual understanding, particularly with the development of case plan goals.
C. Initial observations of the client(s) The client was physically well groomed and seemed at ease, emotionally the client was optimistic and open to the session’s …show more content…

First, anxieties revolving around death or hospitals that have impacted the client’s chosen career path in Nursing. This anxiety stems from unresolved issues that the client indicates first presenting after the death of her mother. Further, mother’s history of incarceration in childhood has had a significant impact on the client own choices, self-aware that substance abuse and incarceration is almost normalized in her family due to this. Additional barriers are with the client’s husband’s substance abuse and acknowledges the conflict between the desire to maintain the relationship and her own recovery needs. Presently, the client has committed to the change process and separated herself physically and socially from her husband. Further, the client indicates a desire to “find herself” this indicates a loss or absence of identity. When the client describes her relationship with her brother at 16 years of age, she indicates confusion of what this looks like and is self-aware that this experience plays into the choices in relationships she had made. per Erikson’s theory the client struggles with the development of an ego identity, she finds distress in no longer able to pursue a career in Nursing and when stating this there is observed distressing and the irrational fear of being in hospitals or around people who have an illness. Per Maslow’s hierarchy of needs the client will need to find employment and …show more content…

The client even indicated the ease in which she openly revealed her life experiences. I believe this may partly be because of where the client is in her willingness to change, as well a sense of comfort with myself during the assessment. I engaged in active listening skills by maintaining eye contact, nodding in acknowledgment, rephrasing, and clarifying statements when needed, which included also motivational interview skills. Further, growth would be additional skills in development of the therapeutic relationship the client indicated desire to seek individual counseling but did not make an appointment. This may be due to other available options, still presenting in the preparation stage, or further need for rapport building with

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