Enhancing Communication in Counselling: Understanding Barriers

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behaviors that the client may be unaware, or aware, that may be hindering communication between the counsellor and client and creating barriers.

A third mechanism in enhancing effective interpersonal communication and addressing barriers is self-reflection. By using self-reflection, a counsellor can be able to examine their own values and beliefs that they may recognize as hindering the counselling relationship and creating barriers to effective communication.

7. What are three factors that may work against the development of the client?

• Genes and Environment: Environmental factors that may work against the development of the client include physical and intellectual disability (or parents with some form of hereditary disability that has …show more content…

Describe how the client's style of absorbing information (including visual, auditory, kinesthetic) is important to the counselling interview.
In the counselling setting, it’s to be noted that the VAK model maintains that every client has a distinct style of absorbing information. They will normally demonstrate one or a blend of the styles, the three styles being visual, auditory and kinesthetic. A dominantly visual learner will absorb and retain information successfully when it is presented in films, pictures, displays, diagrams, lists and charts. Auditory learners process and absorb information by talking to themselves mentally, listening to spoken word, songs, radio, podcasts, verbal instructions, lectures or group discussions. While kinesthetic learners process and absorb information through bodily sensations such as touching, feeling, practical experiences and role playing. Counsellors will find it beneficial to identify what kind of learner the client is and adapt their counselling approach to their client’s respective learning style. This will not only make the client feel supported and empowered but will potentially help increase the rate of the change process within the client. Identifying the client’s style of absorbing information can also be useful when harnessed as a therapeutic approach. When the client is experiencing an overload of a particular sensation or emotion triggered by the discussion or experience of an issue, helping the client to focus on another

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