Informed Consent Argument Essay

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According t Burkhardt (2014) defines autonomy as “the freedom to make choices about issues that affect one’s life” (p.60).The scientists did not respect their right of choice. They were told lies to get to satisfy their desire disregarding the human value. They did not talk about informed consent that explains the risk and benefit of the research for the participants. Burkhardt (2014) explains informed consent as “a term used to describe the process by which competent patients give voluntary consent for medical or surgical treatments or biomedical research after receiving disclosure about potential risk and benefits”(p.64).The participants were not told the consequence or the purpose of the treatment. The informed consent is very popular and currently practiced throughout the world. Marshal (2007) explains about informed consent as “Informed consent is universally recognized as a key components of ethical conduct in scientific research.(p.23).This is a major ethical issue that all scientific research and medical treatment to follow …show more content…

There was no good outcome from doing the Tuskegee study. The government has to pay to the damage that was caused. The Tuskegee study went on for 40 years without any benefit for the black community. With the second theory the researcher were wrong in doing the study. According to Burkhardt”(2014) define deontology as “of ethics based upon the rationalist view that the rightness or wrongness of an act depend upon the nature of the act, rather than its consequence”(p.44).based on this theory doing the research were wrong. They did not tell them why the study is conducting, they did not tell them the risk and benefit of the research, and they withheld the only treatments available to continue their study with human

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