Informative Essay: The American Dream

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Sold to you by Americas number one company;
Greed, Corporations and False truths AS

The American dream. A concept which once upon a time was a national ethos promoting values held in high regard, such as freedom, the ability to succeed, liberty and more. Once upon a time the American dream stood for equal opportunity for all Americans. Today however, this is just not true. The American dream has turned into a monster fuelled by greed, egoism and the empty pursuit of pleasure. Notwithstanding this, the term “The American dream” is still being tossed around, people are still dreaming and honestly believe that in America, their goals can be achieved, which consequently prompts me to ask the question “Is the American dream …show more content…

1% of the American population owns 50% of all the money. Now, what causes this? Well, what is it the USA primarily focuses on funding in other countries, because they see it as the best way to eventually fix a country’s problem? Education. Education is the best way to ensure a future for people. Especially now as people with a college degree on average earn 80% more than a high school degree. So why does poor people not obtain a college degree? If we know it is such a substantial gap, why not go to college? Money and just a general lack of knowledge often hinders this. Unlike in Norway school costs lots of cash in the USA, and the poorer the family you come from is, the less likely you are going to college. Moreover, kids growing up in homes with parents who cannot help them in any way academically, or even kids who grow up with only 1 parent or none at all, are all severely disadvantaged in school. Causing many to drop out or not get into a college based on their grades. Both factors make it so young people born without the most advantages are, ordinarily, considerably less likely than those born well-off, to get an advanced …show more content…

Personally, I believe it comes down to the fact that the advocates of this mythological dream are the people who most benefits from it. The people on wall street and the owners of large corporations and businesses all have great stories about how “If you work hard enough” or “If I can, you can”, and all such rhetoric used to persuade the masses of people into believing a false truth. Yet we can go even deeper and see the root of the issue, why people sell this truth and more importantly, why people buy it. A problem that lies in simple human nature; Greed. However, there is one simple matter gone unsaid by those advocating this ancient American dream. That it is entirely dependent on other people. That wealth can only be obtained through other people gifting it to you, that any validation you want is based entirely on who you want this validation from. A life resembling this is incredibly dependent on external factors and to believe this can bring true happiness, is merely another

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