Informative Essay On Origami

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Therigami is a therapy that uses origami to help disabled and injured people. When you break-down origami, “ori” means folding and “gami” means paper, so when you put it together origami means folding paper (Shalev). In order to do origami you don't have to be creative or artistic it exercises the mind and is just enjoyable to do (Shumakov and Shumakov).
Technological advancements are coming from the ancient art of origami bringing into the modern world (Lavars).1 Anything is possible with origami, children can make anything imaginable. This makes it more motivating than other things ("Origami: Improving Children's Minds One Fold at a Time - Tofugu"). A recent article by the AARP (American Association of Retired People) said that to keep …show more content…

Art therapy and stroke and injury rehabilitation have used and are using origami to help people, but don't forget about how it can be used to reduce stress and help people become more social. Using your hands stimulates both areas or your brain (Wood). Retired people are always looking for something to do to stay active so origami is perfect for them because it passes time and stimulates their minds. Origami is great for seniors because it is affordable, it ranges from easy to challenging, it prevents boredom, and there are many books and even free videos online that can help seniors learn how to do origami ("Benefits of Origami for Seniors | Origami Paper Monster Blog"). Origami gives seniors the satisfaction of completing a project; the harder and more complex the figure the more satisfaction and pride they get. Origami is a way for seniors that are left alone all day or are in retirement homes to entertain themselves while helping themselves.
Theragami has been used by a slew of people, like therapists and educators. Teachers have found that origami is ideal for interdisciplinary and multicultural programs. When disabled kids are pulled from regular class to receive special help they may feel inferior, but if they return with something special to show then they will feel better about themselves (Shalev). Origami can also have the

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