Informative Essay On Human Trafficking

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Human Trafficking Human sex trafficking is a form of modern slavery. It’s a very profitable crime; that bring in quick pays. This is a crime that few people know about. At the age of 19, Stacy Jewell was abducted into the world of sex trafficking. Born in San Pedro, California but grew in the DC metropolitan area where her whole life story would change. About 30 Kent State students listened to Jewell as she told her story on November 12, 2014 at the Kent State University Ball room. She started off by performing a spoken word “10 Years and 1 Day.” After that, she then proceeded into how she was kidnapped into sex trafficking. “Never in a million years did I thought that taking a different route to my house, I would end up in sex trafficking.” …show more content…

She later learned that the pimp had been following her and knew her daily routines, family; home and also that she just had a baby boy. Knowing this information, he used it to kidnap her and held her hostage for two years, raping, threatening her life, family and son’s lives. Jewell said, “This is how young girls are being kidnapped every single day by someone who they thought was nice.” During the time she was held hostage, she was physically, emotionally, and mentally abuse by her pimp. He impregnated her, but she aborted the baby. He tried to kill her after finding out that she was no longer carrying his baby. She was one of six girls that her kidnapper was holding hostage. Right before her 21st birthday, Jewell escaped. Jewell is now an advocates and trying to raise awareness about the sex trafficking business. She has a website She urges college and high school students to start paying attention to what they are doing and also what they are posting on their social media. She is also working with The Baltimore FBI Special Task Force to help other girls escape from sex

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