Informative Essay On Dementia

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When a loved one receives a dementia diagnoses, it devastates not only the person affected, but the whole family. And while there is no known cure yet (or even a proven way to reverse the effects of) dementia, there are many ways you can make your loved one's life more comfortable as they receive the required senior care treatment. First Things First Right off, when you get the diagnosis of dementia, you should sit down and have a serious heart-to-heart with the victim. It absolutely will be painful, but reaching those painful understandings and conclusions early will make things much less painful down the road. Ask these questions (and any more that you think of!): Who will make healthcare decisions for the victim once they've become incapable of doing so themselves?Who will have power of attorney over their finances? Will health care be given at home unless absolutely necessary, or will outside long-term care …show more content…

They give you a chance to get to work and take care of other weekday-daylight activities, while leaving you to care for your loved one during nights and weekends. Respite care is akin to a long-term care facility, but only houses victims for a short time -- no more than a couple of weeks. This gives a family caregiver a chance to take a much-needed break and attend to other important activities for a short time without having to incur the cost of moving their loved one into long-term care full-time. Long-term care facilities essentially take over care of the victim full-time, until such time as they pass away. Most people don't want to believe that they would ever put their loved ones in long-term care, but gradually, the physical and mental taxation of being caregiver to a dementia victim become overwhelming. There will come a point at which you literally cannot leave your loved one alone for fear of them hurting

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