Informative Essay On ACT And Sats

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Why there should not be ACTs and SATs
Some studies shown that the SAT has given negative results on college compared to colleges that are SAT optional. The colleges that are SAT optional have more diverse students. (Christopherson, 1) The SAT and ACT are both used for the college application process to help determine if the student is prepared for their campus. The SAT stands for Scholastic Aptitude Test while ACT stands for American College Test.
These two test are one of the most feared test a student could take even though the test are not very beneficial to colleges. Looking at a student’s overall performance in high school gives a better insight as to how they will respond in college verses one test they take. The best way to deal with this issue is to make summiting the ACT or SAT scores optional for colleges. Making these test optional would increase the diversity in a school and allow students with testing issues, such as test anxiety, be able to apply to their choice college without the worry of there one test score affecting them. Students who would like to show off their scores in hopes of making a better impact to the admission would be able to. There is defiantly more than one issue with the ACT and SAT, making this a problem for anyone who needs to take these test.
These test can be scary and cause …show more content…

Not only could test anxiety make a student do worse on the test, but can cause physical and mental pain to them. The Anxiety and Depression Association of America states that some physical discomfort that can occur to the student is body sweats, dehydration, loss of appetite, short term memory loss, rapid heartbeat, headache, nausea, shortness of breath, light-headedness and the feelings that they could faint. Test anxiety can affect a person emotionally by making them irritability, angry, fearful, and disappointed with themselves. (ADAA, par.

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