Influence of Low Socio-economic Status and Students’ Reading Performance

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Introduction This Field-Based Literacy Professional Investigation will examine how low socio-economic status (SES) influences students’ reading performance and how low SES students can succeed with the increased demands of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). This topic chosen was influenced by an interview I conducted with a reading specialist. I met with a reading specialist at Armor Elementary School (Hamburg School District) to learn more about the current key issues in education. During the interview, she noted that students of low SES have typically always struggled with reading. This is a trend that she has consistently noticed throughout her career. Students of low SES are now not only challenged with reading, but with the increased demands of the CCSS. Therefore, this topic is very relevant to the curriculum changes transpiring in education. The reading specialist I interviewed, felt that struggling readers are now falling even further behind because of the increased rigor of the CCSS. This topic is not only relevant to the current changes in education, but to my future teaching as well. Despite the area I teach in, I am mindful of the fact that low socioeconomic status is likely going to impact some of my future students. This investigation studies why low SES has such a significant influence on students’ academic performance and what teachers can do to help these students. Literature Review This review will address how low SES influences students’ reading performance and how low SES students can succeed with the increased demands of the CCSS. The American Psychological Association defines Socioeconomic Status or SES as “a combination of education, income, and occupation” (Education)... ... middle of paper ... standards [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from 4QFjAA& FCentricity%2FDomain%2F49%2FWorking%2520with%2520low%2520SES.pptx&ei=yl OKUv--Jcf94APAzIFo&usg=AFQjCNFumWLut0qNpQjo-TPdBFdrbcJtAA&sig2=Ie804- MwWNFcemOXmulEiQ&bvm=bv.56643336,d.dmg on November 13, 2013. New York State Education Department. (2011-2012).The New York State Report Card [Data File]. Retrieved from 141601060001.pdf on November 13, 2013. Walker-Dalhouse, D. & Risko, V.J. (2008). Homelessness, poverty, and children’s literacy development. The Reading Teacher, 62(1), 84-86. Retrieved from on November 13, 2013.

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