Infidel Book Review

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The book Infidel by Ayaan Hirsi Ali is an eye opener. This book is an autobiography of Ms. Ayaan. She starts this book by describing her grandmother and one of her grandmother’s lessons. She then jumps back in time to not with not her book nor first talk about her mother but with her grandmother and some hardships her grandmother faced. Then her mother and then her own childhood and life. She explains in this book what is expected in the Islamic faith. She describes in detail what is expected of women and what is expected of men. She describes the clan system and how it is easy to get help anywhere but usually only if it a man asking. Ms. Ayaan had one of the worst I have ever seen. She suffered many hardships and seeing her alive and even doing well for herself is a miracle in its self. She was born in the capital of Somalia where soon after her birth her …show more content…

This is a first hand account of things that happened 20 years ago but most of these issues are still a problem today. I am thoroughly surprised to hear about how women and children are treated and even more so that they marry inside their families in order to stay “pure”. After reading this book I can that I think the reason that so many still follow this religion is just pure fear tactics. Its not only the fear of burning in hell in the eternal afterlife in the pits of despair or what not. It is the fear of beatings and the fear of pain. The fear of being alone without no one to help till you starve and die. This is the fear that keeps the Islamic faith together. A old book said how to live life and people followed in until they thought that they were the chosen and that not following it and associating with people not following it would curse you to hell. No one wanted to go to hell so they wanted to follow this book to the T. Fear was created so that everyone else followed it

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