Industrial Age Vs Information Age

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We live in a world where the technology age is becoming a thing. The advancement of technology is unbelievable from finding water on Mars to be able to talk to someone across the world. But before that, there was a time when these were just ideas. This was the time period where technology had a different impact on society compared to the present or categorized as the Industrial Age. The time period, known as the Information Age, is the present where technology enables the use of the Internet that gives information like no other have before. An example like the classroom during these two ages have different rules from each other. Although a classroom has the same component as any would be, a classroom in the Information Age would be more suited …show more content…

A major part of being in a classroom, regardless of grade level in the Industrial Age, has its high expectations with it. Schools during these times expected perfectionism for their students. Now in the Information Age, students could make mistakes as they were seen as a necessary part of growth. This is usually shown in schools like a language class where mistake are common, but can be fixed. The idea that fitting in with a uniformity matter is essential as a perfectionist. Instead the present idea in the Information Age has it opposite where diversity and personal fulfillment is approved of. Another idea of the Industrial Age would be showing that there is only a black-and-white side in thinking. Like the rest, the Information Age encourages that there is no such thing as black-and-white sides, but have different options and alternatives to every problem. The students personal worth was dependent on what achievements they had, how they looked like, and how wealthy they are. Because of this, students had to please others regardless of their own personal needs. In the Information Age, it shows that personal worth is unconditional, regardless of their achievements, appearance, and wealth. Students can have self-care with pleasing others regard for personal needs. Anyone could achieve anything with what they believe, not what they …show more content…

The Industrial Age makes students the victim, while the teacher is to be blamed. The teacher is responsible for their students behavior, but turns around in the Information Age where students are responsible for their own actions. Back then teachers were considered manipulative to their students to tell whether they're learning or not. This, like most other differences between these two ages, has the opposite effect in the Information Age where directions are more direct and no trickery. High authorities like teachers are shown to be more superior than students in the Industrial Age. Approval of students making decisions were all based on what the teacher thought of the student. Seeing them acting improperly could lead to denying most of these students freedom. This changes as teachers accept any students regardless of their behavior. Just like how classrooms wanted their students to see in a black-to-white side manner, they saw winning and losing as one side powers the other. In the Information Age, this is changed to a win-win situation where both sides cooperate as there isn't always two sides, but multiple ways. Situations like winning a competition where everyone who participates wins, but not everyone is a

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